Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Eczema (dermatitis)


Accumulation of Damp/Heat

acute onset, covers the body sparsely from head to toe, may be painful, swollen, buring, red, may have vesicles

P/T – clear Heat, eliminate Damp, relieve itch

Acupuncture – foot Taiyang, hand Yangming, foot Taiyin, BL 13, LI 11, BL 40 (bleed for Damp/Heat),

SP 9, HT 7

Spleen deficiency with Damp

slow onset, red itchy, Spleen deficiency symptoms (fatigue, loose stool, poor digestion), T- pale, tender fat looking, white coat, P- soft

Acupuncture – foot Taiyin, and Yangming, BL 20, SP 9, ST 36, SP 2, LI 11, Ren 12, ST 25

Blood deficiency with internal or external Wind-dryness

area gets thick, dry, itchy, and flakes away, patient scratches, P- wiry thin

Acupuncture – BL 17 & SP 10, SP 6 & ST 36, PC 4 & HT 7, LI 11

Alternative Treatment Methods

auricular- LU, Shenmen, adrenal, bleed retroauricular vein, LR, subcortex

7 star- around area, Hua Tou Jia Ji, and on affected area, bleed slightly

Heat lamp and moxa- if there is Blood Stasis

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