Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Acupuncture intradermal needle therapy

Intradermal Needle also known as "buried needles", is 30 or 32, made of stainless steel wire pushpin type and grain type of the two needles.

Intradermal acupuncture is an ancient method of acupuncture needle for the development. Is the needle piercing the skin, the fixed retention period of time, the use of its continuing stimulus, a method to treat the disease. Law can continue to stimulate acupuncture points to reduce the trouble of repeated acupuncture, the patient can also pin your hands and burying to enhance stimulation.

"How To"

(A) of the pushpin-type needle intradermal needle buried: pushpin-type needle, also known as intradermal press needles, ear and body points for burial. In the local routine disinfection, the clamp pin handle grip, alignment points, the vertical piercing, the ring handle needle flat to stay in the skin, with adhesive tape fixed.

(B) of the grain-type buried intradermal needle acupuncture: acupuncture points can be applied to most of the body (some made of tadpole-type intradermal needles.) Needle with sterile forceps gripping handle, align the points have been disinfected, 0.5-1 cm along the skin piercing, needle handle to stay in the skin, the use of tape fixed. If no intradermal needle, needle nothing can replace it with 5.

(C) buried needle time: two or three days is appropriate. Proper length of time the fall point of the short summer, the appropriate point. 2 buried pin interval: the same points 1 week after the needles can be re-buried needles, different acupuncture points can be continuous. For pain, illness, buried needle time for the degree of pain relief may not necessarily continue for several days.


Joints, local swelling, purulent infection at the skin, purpura, and scar, are not buried needles. Patients with skin allergies, bleeding disorders should not be buried needles.


① points, needles, tweezers have regular disinfection.

② buried needles at the appropriate water immersion. Summer sweating, you should check whether the Khan buried dip needle at the skin redness. See, for redness, pain should be checked in time, the phenomenon of infection immediately to take needles. Occurrence of pain in needle buried depth of the needle can be adjusted, the direction of adjustment is not valid, there may be inflammation, should take needle.

③ patient can press the needle handle with your fingers break, in order to enhance the amount of stimulation to improve the results. It should be noted hand hygiene.

④ If the infection has occurred at the buried needles, surgical dressings should be given routine treatment. If fever and other systemic reactions, appropriate antibiotics, or medicine detoxification drug treatment.

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