Senin, 09 Mei 2011

Wen Acupuncture

Wen acupuncture needle in the needle after the end of the needle set Ai plus column, lit to heat the body transmitted to the body through a needle to a method of disease control.

This method first appeared in the Eastern Han Dynasty, Zhang Zhongjing's "Treatise on." Ming Yang Jizhou's "Great acupuncture" describes more details of this law: "The law on the needle points to the Hong Angelica for round cakes, set the needle to moxibustion of, and many more ... ... This method is to take effect the line and rank in the mountains person, the meridian by pathogenic cold, or effective, but just warm needle ventilation. "After the ages have used. This method is still widely circulated civil applications.

"How To"

① All preparations are the same acupuncture needles.

② in accordance with the acupuncture needle into a certain depth to find the sensor, the application of practices, so that patients get the feeling of tingling Shen inflation, leaving needle does not move.

③ loaded pintail wrapped in large or small, such as jujube date pit large moxa, ignition to burn. Ai volume or a cut of about 2 cm, inserting the needle end, ignition heating.

④ General Viagra warm needle 1-3 cone burning, warm feeling under the needle can be.

⑤ 15-20 minutes left needle, then slowly from the needle.


① Heat sexually transmitted diseases (acute infection such as fever and all, etc.) should not use the warm needle therapy.

② temperature and blood pressure should not use acupuncture.

③ Those who can not stay Syndrome needle, such as seizures, convulsions, tremor Dengjun should not use the warm needle therapy.


① wrapped in moxa needle tail coat, must be installed in order to avoid burning down Ai Group and Mars, causing burns.

② If the treatment with needles, equipment should be wrapped in the AI ​​group is small, due to stronger thermal needles.

③ ignited moxa should start with the bottom of the light, it will give the radiation and conduction heat straight down, and enhance treatment.

④ If the fire fall Ai, then Ai can blow the fire ground, or directly off. Also asked patients not to change position, so that the moxa needle wrapped with tail coat down, add to burn, but also to prevent accidents caused by curved needle. In order to prevent possible burns, around the needle in the skin temperature rubber mat or towel, clothes and so on.

⑤ Other considerations can be found in needle therapy and moxibustion therapy.


Acupuncture and moxibustion in temperature is the most common, and the most popular kind of patient therapy. The so-called "war with needles", in fact, refers to the temperature of acupuncture. Because of its remarkable curative effect, wide range of treatment, disease prevention and health care is a major good laws, therefore, have long been valued by physicians and patients are.

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