Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Eclampsia


High blood pressure during mid to late pregnancy. These women are quite often overweight, short in height, and may be anemic. Liver Kidney Yin deficiency, Yin is unable to anchor Yang, therefore Yang or Fire rise causing hypertension which could lead to Wind. The risk is higher in women that are diabetic, or have kidney problems (western). Cold weather may aggravate.

Early signs (pre-eclampsia): lower limb edema, dizziness, headache, blurred vision.

Emergency: when severe, woman can have spasming, lose consciousness, and go into convulsions.


Yin deficiency with Yang rising

Liver Kidney deficiency allows Yang to rise causing dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision, headache, muscle twitching

P/T – nourish Liver Kidney, soothe Liver Qi

Acupuncture – neutral, foot Shaoyin & Jueyin, Shu, BL 18, 23, Du 20, LR 2, KI 6 (Yinqiao)

- insomnia- HT 7

Heart Liver Fire

dizziness, blurred vision, throbbing/distended headache, loud tinnitus, irritable, anger, red face, lips, tongue, shaking limbs

P/T – purge Heart Liver Fire

Acupuncture – neutral, hand and foot Shaoyin and Jueyin, KI 3, BL 23, HT 7, PC 6, LR 3, BL 18

- irritable- PC 7

- sore eyes, headache, dizziness- Si Shen Cong

- constipation- SJ 6, ST 37

Spleen deficiency with hyperactive Liver

fluid retention, edema, lack of blood for Liver which causes Wind

P/T – strength Spleen, eliminate Phlegm-Damp

Acupuncture – neutral, foot taiyin & Jueyin, BL 20, ST 36, LR 2, PC 6, Ren 17

- Phlegm- ST 40

- dry mouth, irritable- HT 7, LR 3

During attack

Woman can faint, lose consciousness, clenched fists and jaws, spasm, convulsions, frothy saliva, phlegm in the throat, attacks may recur simultaneously, may not wake. This condition can also happen after delivery, which would be treated the same.

P/T – extinguish Wind, relieve convulsions & Phlegm, revive consciousness.

Acupuncture – Du 26, Si Shen Cong, PC 8, ST 40

- during the day- BL 62

- at night- KI 6

- closed (lock jaw)- ST 7

- Phlegm in throat- Ren 22

Alternative Treatment Methods

auricular- ST, subcortex, Shenmen, HT, occipital, Yuan Zhong, LR, KI, *bleed retroauricular vein in blood pressure groove and/or apex of ear.

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