Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Early menses (periods)

Early periods

Seven days early for three months consecutively (thus shortening the cycle length). The amount of bleeding can be normal, excessive, or scanty.

Spleen Qi deficiency – can’t keep blood in vessels

pale dilute blood, shortness of breath, loose stools, bloating after meals, fatigue, pale complexion, blood spots under the skin, T- pale

P/T – nourish Spleen Qi, consolidate Chong, regulate period

Acupuncture – tonify, moxa, foot Taiyin, *Moxa SP 1, BL 20 & ST 36, SP 6, Du 20, moxa Ren 4 & 6 (tonify and raise Yuan Qi), SP 10

- Yang deficiency- Ren 4, BL 23

Rx – Gui Pi Tang, Bu Zhong Yi Qi Tang

Heat in Blood attacks Uterus

heavy bleeding (dark or bright red), may have clots (Liver Qi stagnation turns to Fire), irritability, red face, anxiety, irritability, dry stool, thirst, red face, dark urine, restless, T- red, P- rapid

P/T – clear Heat, cool blood, regulate Chong and Ren

Acupuncture – foot Taiyin, SP 6, 8, 10 (heat in blood), LR 2 (ying spring)

- insomnia- HT 7

- Heat signs- LI 11, KI 2, Ren 3

Rx – Qing Jing Tang, Dan Zhi Xiao Yao San

Alternative Treatment Methods

auricular- Nei Shen Zhi Qi (internal reproductive), endocrine, subcortex, LR, SP, KI, Yuan Zhong

scalp- human reproductive system (electro)

7 star- Ren, Du, Dai

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