Selasa, 19 April 2011

Acupuncture Points Database - Stomach channel

Ask the patient to close their eyes and look upwards. Use
a finger to push the eyeball upwards and insert the needle,
first slightly inferiorly, then perpendicularly, between the
eyeball and the inferior wall of the orbit, 0.5 to 1 cun. Note:
according to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated
to moxibustion.
Caution: i. the needle should be inserted slowly without
lifting, thrusting or rotating; ii. immediately on withdrawal
of the needle, press firmly with a cotton wool ball
for about a minute to prevent haematoma; iii. this needling
method should not be attempted by those who have
not had appropriate clinical supervision.
Benefits the eyes and stops lacrimation
Eliminates wind and clears heat
• Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, lacrimation
on exposure to wind, cold lacrimation, hot lacrimation,
superficial visual obstruction, dimness of
vision, short sightedness, visual dizziness, night
blindness, itching of the eyes, upward staring eyes,
twitching of the eyelids.
• Deviation of the mouth and eye, inability to speak,
deafness and tinnitus.

The infraorbital foramen can be felt by palpating downwards
from the edge of the orbital bone, about 0.3 cun
below the edge.
i. Perpendicular insertion 0.2 to 0.4 cun; ii. Transverse
insertion to join with such points as Quanliao SI-18,
Yingxiang L.I.-20 etc; iii. Oblique insertion supero-laterally,
along the infraorbital foramen, 0.3 to 0.5 cun. Note:
according to several classical texts, this point is contraindicated
to moxibustion.
Caution: i. deep insertion along the foramen may injure
the eyeball; ii. manipulation by lifting and thrusting is
contraindicated due to the risk of damaging the infraorbital
nerve which emerges from the foramen.
Eliminates wind, clears heat and benefits the eyes
• Redness and pain of the eyes, superficial visual obstruction,
dimness of vision, visual dizziness, itching
eyes, excessive lacrimation, deviation of the mouth
and eye, twitching of the eyelids, headache.
• Round worms in the bile duct.

i. Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.4 cun; ii. Transverse insertion
to join with such points as Dicang ST-4, Quanliao SI-18 etc.
Eliminates wind, dissipates swelling and alleviates pain
• Pain and swelling of the external nose and cheek,
nosebleed, toothache, swelling and pain of the lips
and cheek, deviation of the mouth, aversion to wind
and cold in the face and eyes, superficial visual obstruction,
excessive lacrimation, clonic spasm.
• Leg qi, swelling of the knee.
Juliao ST-3
Yingxiang L.I.-20
level with the lower
border of the ala nasi

This point lies in the continuation of the naso-labial groove;
ask the patient to smile if the groove is not visible.
Transverse insertion to join with such points as Jiache
ST-6, Yingxiang L.I.-20, Chengqiang REN-24 etc.
Eliminates wind from the face
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Deviation of the mouth, pain of the cheek, trigeminal
neuralgia, drooling, food and drink leak out of the
mouth, numbness of the lips and face, toothache,
contraction of the facial muscles, loss of speech.
• Ceaseless movement of the eyeball, inability to close
the eye, twitching of the eyelids, itching of the eye,
blurring of distant objects, night blindness.
• Atrophy disorder with inability to walk, swelling of
the leg, inability to eat.

Ask the patient to clench the jaw before locating.
i. Oblique insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun; or ii. Transverse insertion
to join with such points as Dicang ST-4, Jiache ST-6
Caution: vigorous manipulation is contraindicated to
avoid the risk of damaging the facial artery and vein.
Eliminates wind and reduces swelling
• Wind tetany with lockjaw, deviation of the mouth,
twitching of the lips, toothache of the lower jaw, frequent
yawning, stiffness of the tongue with inability
to speak, inability to close the eyes accompanied by
pain of the eyes.
• Swelling of the face and lower cheek, wind obstructing
the face leading to swelling, mumps, scrofula,
neck pain with chills and fever, aversion to cold.

Ask the patient to clench the jaw before locating.
i. Perpendicular insertion 0.5 cun; ii. Transverse insertion
to join with such points as Dicang ST-4, Daying ST-5,
Xiaguan ST-7 etc.; iii. Transverse insertion towards the
upper or lower jaw for toothache.
Eliminates wind and benefits the jaw and teeth
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Deviation of the mouth and eye, swelling of the
cheek, toothache, gum disorders, lockjaw, tension
and pain of the jaw, inability to chew, inability to
open the mouth following windstroke.
• Stiffness and pain of the neck, mumps, loss of voice.

Although this point is needled with the mouth closed, it is
helpful to ask the patient to open the mouth to better
locate the condyloid process. If the finger rests on the
condyloid process when the mouth is open, it will fall into
Xiaguan ST-7 when the mouth is closed.
i. Perpendicular insertion slightly inferiorly 0.5 to 1 cun; ii.
Transverse insertion to join with such points as Tinggong
SI-19, Jiache ST-6, Quanliao SI-18 etc. for diseases of the
ear, teeth, face and jaw.
Benefits the ears, jaw and teeth
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Deafness, tinnitus, ear pain, itching and purulent discharge
from the ear.
• Lockjaw, dislocation of the jaw.
• Toothache, pain of the teeth of the lower jaw, swelling
and pain of the gums (of the lower jaw), pain of
the cheek and face, swelling of the cheek, yawning,
deviation of the mouth and eye, visual dizziness.

There are three methods to locate this point: i. Find the
meeting point of a horizontal line drawn 0.5 cun within
the anterior hairline, and a vertical line drawn 0.5 cun
posterior to the hairline of the temple; ii. Locate Toulinqi
GB-15 which lies directly above the pupil when the patient
is looking directly forwards, and Shenting DU-24
which lies on the midline, 0.5 cun posterior to the anterior
hairline. Touwei ST-8 lies on the continuation of a line
drawn between these two points and twice its distance; iii.
0.5 cun superior to the upper line of origin of the temporalis
muscle, 0.5 cun posterior to a vertical line drawn directly
above Taiyang (M-HN-9).
Transverse insertion 0.5 to 1 cun. Note: according to
several classical texts, this point is contraindicated to
Eliminates wind and alleviates pain
Benefits the eyes
• Headache, splitting headache with chills and fever,
dizziness, vomiting.
• Dimness of vision, bursting eye pain, lacrimation on
exposure to wind, twitching of the eyelids.
• Dyspnoea with agitation and oppression, hemiplegia.

Level with the tip of and 1.5 cun lateral to the laryngeal
prominence, in the depression between the anterior border
of the sternocleidomastoid muscle and the lateral
border of the thyroid cartilage. Note: the carotid artery
lies just deep to, and can be readily palpated at, the
anterior border of the sternocleidomastoid muscle. This
point therefore lies between the carotid artery and the
lateral border of the thyroid cartilage.
i. Ask the patient to lie flat and remove any pillow. Palpate
the laryngeal prominence, and then, laterally, the lateral
border of the thyroid cartilage. A little more laterally than
this, the carotid artery may be felt. Use the index finger of
one hand to define and enlarge the space between the
lateral border of the thyroid cartilage and the artery and
needle into this space with the other hand; ii. In females
the laryngeal prominence is not as pronounced as in
males. If it is indistinct, palpate the depression formed by
the lower border of the hyoid bone and the upper border
of the thyroid cartilage at the midline. The laryngeal
prominence lies just below this.
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun. Note: according to most
classical texts, this point is contraindicated to moxibustion.
Caution: care should be taken to avoid puncturing the
carotid artery which must be palpated and then held
laterally during needling, by using the index finger and
thumb of one hand, above and below the point. This
needling method should not be attempted by those who
have not had appropriate clinical supervision.
Regulates qi and blood and lowers rebellion
Benefits the throat and neck
Alleviates pain
• Headache, dizziness, visual dizziness, red face, fullness
of the chest, shortness of breath, asthma, sudden
turmoil disorder, vomiting, pulseless syndrome, hypertension,
• Swelling and pain of the throat, scrofula, goitre, difficulty
in swallowing.
• Lumbar pain.

To identify the anterior border of the muscle, ask the
patient to turn their head away from the side to be
needled, whilst you apply resistance at the chin.
Perpendicular-oblique insertion directed medially to avoid
the carotid artery, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Caution: see Renying ST-9.
Benefits the throat and neck
Descends Lung qi
• Swelling and pain of the throat, goitre, scrofula.
• Cough, whooping cough, shortness of breath, dyspnoea,
swelling and pain of the shoulder.

Palpation of the sternal and clavicular heads is made
easier if the patient turns their head away from the side to
be needled, whilst you apply resistance at the chin.
Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun.
Caution: deep insertion may puncture the lung.
Benefits the throat and neck and descends qi
• Swelling and pain of the throat, scrofula, goitre, stiffness
of the neck with inability to turn the head.
• Dyspnoea, difficult ingestion, hiccup.

This point should be located and needled behind the
clavicle, paying strict attention to the caution below.
Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun along the posterior
border of the clavicle. Note: according to the Systematic
Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion and the Illustrated
Supplement to the Classic of Categories this point is contraindicated
in pregnancy.
Caution: deep or posterior insertion may injure the subclavian
vessels or puncture the lung.
Descends Lung qi and clears heat from the chest
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Cough, coughing blood, dyspnoea, fullness of the
chest, heat and fullness in the chest, chills and fever
with sweating, absence of sweating, oedema,
scrofula, throat painful obstruction.
• Pain of the supraclavicular fossa, pain of the shoulder
that radiates to the neck, numbness and painful
obstruction of the upper limb, inability to raise the
arm, lumbar pain with inability to turn.

Transverse-oblique insertion laterally or medially, 0.5
to 0.8 cun, or transverse insertion inferiorly along the
channel. Caution: deep or perpendicular insertion carries
a substantial risk of puncturing the lung or injuring the
subclavian vessels.
Descends rebellious qi and unbinds the chest
• Fullness and distention of the chest and lateral costal
region, pain of the chest and upper back, cough, dyspnoea,
asthma, wheezing, vomiting blood, hiccup,
inability to taste food, stiffness of the neck with inability
to turn the head.

i. First locate the costal cartilage of the second rib which is
level with the sternal angle, then locate the first intercostal
space above it; ii. Note that in males the nipple lies in the
fourth intercostal space; iii. Note that the intercostal space
curves upwards laterally, so that Kufang ST-14 will lie
superior to the level of Huagai REN-20.
Transverse-oblique insertion laterally or medially along
the intercostal space 0.5 to 0.8 cun, or transverse insertion
superiorly or inferiorly along the channel.
Caution: deep or perpendicular insertion carries a substantial
risk of puncturing the lung.
Descends rebellious qi and unbinds the chest
• Distention and fullness of the chest and lateral costal
region, cough, coughing of pus and blood, dyspnoea.

i. First locate the costal cartilage of the second rib which is
level with the sternal angle, then locate the second intercostal
space below it; ii. Note that in males the nipple lies
in the fourth intercostal space; iii Note that the intercostal
space curves upwards laterally, so that Wuyi ST-15 will lie
superior to the level of Zigong REN-19.
Transverse-oblique insertion laterally or medially along
the intercostal space 0.5 to 0.8 cun, or transverse insertion
superiorly or inferiorly along the channel.
Caution: deep or perpendicular insertion carries a substantial
risk of puncturing the lung.
Descends rebellious qi and unbinds the chest
Benefits the breasts
Alleviates pain and itching of the skin
• Cough, wheezing, dyspnoea, shortness of breath,
coughing of pus and blood, distention and pain of
the chest and lateral costal region.
• Breast pain, breast abscess.
• Pain of the skin making wearing of clothes unbearable,
generalised itching, heaviness of the body,
swollen body, pain and weakness of the limbs.

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