Rabu, 13 April 2011

Acupuncture Points Database - Large Intestine channel

Perpendicular or oblique insertion directed proximally
0.1 to 0.2 cun, or prick to bleed.
Clears heat, reduces swelling and alleviates pain
Revives consciousness
• Throat painful obstruction, toothache of the lower
jaw, pain of the lower cheek, swelling of the submandibular
region, dry mouth, deafness, tinnitus.
• Loss of consciousness from windstroke, loss of consciousness,
qi fullness of the chest radiating to the lateral
costal region, dyspnoea and cough, febrile disease
with absence of sweating, hot malaria.
• Pain of the shoulder and back that radiates to the supraclavicular
fossa, numbness and heat of the fingers.

This point will be easier to find if the index finger is
relaxed in a slightly flexed position.
i. Oblique proximal or distal insertion 0.2 to 0.3 cun; ii.
Perpendicular-oblique insertion towards the palm, 0.5 cun.
Expels wind, clears heat and reduces swelling
Alleviates pain
• Toothache, pain and swelling of the lower cheek,
acute weeping eczema of the face, deviation of the
mouth and eye, nosebleed, rhinitis, throat painful obstruction,
dry mouth, cloudy vision, eye diseases,
yellow eyes.
• Febrile disease, cold shivering, acute food stagnation.

• Injury by cold with water binding the chest and lateral
costal region, propensity to fright, somnolence.
• Pain and stiffness of the shoulder and back, cold and
pain at the point Jianyu L.I.-15.

This point is easier to locate when the hand is made into
a loose fist.
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 2 cun, directed towards
Houxi SI-3. Note: needle with the hand in a loose fist
position, with the metacarpal bones lying in the same
plane. This is especially important when needling deeply
towards the opposite side of the hand.
Expels wind and heat
Clears heat and benefits the throat and teeth
Dispels fullness and treats diarrhea

• Throat painful obstruction, obstruction of the throat,
toothache of the lower jaw, pain from decaying teeth,
tongue thrusting, acute eye pain, dry scorched lips and
mouth, nosebleed, rhinitis, tinnitus, chills and fever.
• Cold or damp (dong) diarrhoea, borborygmus, somnolence,
injury by cold with water binding the chest
and lateral costal region, fright, fullness of the chest,
• Acute stiff neck, redness and swelling of the dorsum
of the hand, difficulty in flexing and extending the

Ask the patient to squeeze the thumb against the base of
the index finger, and locate Hegu L.I.-4 at the highest
point of the bulge of the muscle and approximately level
with the end of the crease.
i. Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun; ii. Oblique insertion
directed proximally 1 to 1.5 cun.
Caution: contraindicated in pregnancy.
Regulates the defensive qi and adjusts sweating
Expels wind and releases the exterior
Regulates the face, eyes, nose, mouth and ears
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Induces labour
Restores the yang

• Exterior wind-cold pattern, chills and fever, injury by
cold with great thirst, copious sweating, absence of
sweating, febrile disease with absence of sweating,
floating pulse.
• Headache, one-sided headache, headache of the
whole head, hypertension.
• Redness, swelling and pain of the eyes, dimness of
vision, superficial visual obstruction.
• Nosebleed, nasal congestion and discharge, rhinitis,
• Toothache or pain of tooth decay in the lower jaw,
mouth ulcers, lotus flower tongue, cracked tongue,
rigid tongue, lips do not close, tightness of the lips.
• Throat painful obstruction, childhood throat moth,
mumps, loss of voice.
• Swelling of the face, deviation of the face and mouth,
lockjaw, deafness, tinnitus.
• Amenorrhoea, prolonged labour, delayed labour, retention
of dead foetus.
• Dysenteric disorder, childhood nutritional impairment,
childhood fright wind, wind rash, malaria, mania.
• Painful obstruction and atrophy disorder of the four
limbs, hemiplegia, pain of the sinews and bones, pain
of the arm, contraction of the fingers, pain of the lumbar

i. Ask the subject to extend the thumb to emphasise the
hollow of the anatomical snuffbox; ii. Look carefully to
locate the cephalic vein which runs through the anatomical
snuffbox in order to avoid needling through the vein.
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.
Clears heat and alleviates pain
Clears yangming fire
Calms the spirit
Benefits the wrist joint

• Rhinitis, nosebleed, tinnitus, deafness, ear pain, redness,
swelling and pain of the eyes, superficial visual
obstruction, lacrimation, toothache, pain from tooth
decay, headache, chronic headache, frontal headache,
throat painful obstruction, pain of the root of
the tongue.
• Mania-depression, febrile disease with agitation of
the Heart, manic raving, propensity to laughter, seeing
ghosts, fright.
• Cold cough, vomiting of foam, urticaria, malaria, fever
with absence of sweating.
• Weakness and pain of the wrist, contraction of the
five fingers, heat in the palms, difficulty in raising the

i. Locate with the elbow flexed and with the radial side of
the arm upwards; ii. Divide the distance between Yangxi
L.I.-5 and Quchi L.I.-11 into half, and then halve the
distance between this midpoint and Yangxi L.I.-5.
Transverse-oblique insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Expels wind and clears heat
Opens and regulates the water passages
• Tinnitus, deafness, toothache, tooth decay, cold teeth,
redness and pain of the eyes, dimness of vision,
blurred vision, rhinitis, nosebleed, dry throat, throat
painful obstruction, deviation of the mouth, swelling
of the cheek.
• Difficult urination, oedema, ascites, obstruction of
the diaphragm, borborygmus with oedema, attack by
wind with absence of sweating.
• Malaria, manic raving.
• Pain of the wrist, elbow and upper arm.

i. Locate with the elbow flexed and with the radial side of
the arm upwards; ii. Divide the distance between Yangxi
L.I.-5 and Quchi L.I.-11 into two equal parts, then locate
Wenliu L.I.-7 one cun distal to this midpoint.
Transverse-oblique insertion, 0.5 to 1 cun.
Clears heat and detoxifies poison
Moderates acute conditions
Regulates and harmonises the intestines and Stomach
Clears yangming fire and calms the spirit
• Headache, deviation of the face and mouth, redness,
swelling and pain of the face, clove sores, carbuncle
and furuncle, pain of the teeth and mouth, tongue
thrusting, throat painful obstruction with loss of
• Borborygmus with abdominal pain, abdominal distention,
vomiting of watery saliva and foam, sudden
swelling of the four limbs.
• Frequent laughter, raving, seeing ghosts.
• Pain and difficulty in raising the shoulder and arm.

i. Locate with the elbow flexed and with the radial side of
the arm upwards; ii. Divide the distance between Yangxi
L.I.-5 and Quchi L.I.-11 into three equal parts. Xialian
L.I.-8 is located at the junction of the proximal and middle
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
Harmonises the Small Intestine
Expels wind and clears heat
Clears yangming fire and calms the spirit
• Abdominal pain, lower abdominal distention, fullness
and pain of the abdomen and lateral costal region,
periumbilical pain, insufficiency of Small Intestine
qi, diarrhoea containing undigested food, blood
in the stool, dark urine.
• Headache, head wind, dizziness, pain of the eye, dry
lips with drooling, breast abscess, dyspnoea.
• Manic raving, mad walking.
• Hemiplegia, wind-damp painful obstruction, cold
painful obstruction, pain of the elbow and arm.

i. Locate with the elbow flexed and with the radial side of
the arm upwards; ii. Divide the distance between Yangxi
L.I.-5 and Quchi L.I.-11 into half, and then halve the
distance between this midpoint and Quchi L.I.-11.
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
Harmonises the Large Intestine
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• Borborygmus, Large Intestine qi stagnation, abdominal
pain, difficult and dark urination.
• Chest pain, dyspnoea, brain wind, headache.
• Pain or numbness of the shoulder, elbow and arm,
numbness of the limbs, hemiplegia from windstroke,
cold sensation of the bone marrow.

i. Locate with the elbow flexed and with the radial side of
the arm upwards; ii. First locate Shanglian L.I.-9, then
locate Shousanli L.I.-10 one cun proximal to it; iii. This
point is usually significantly tender to palpation.
Perpendicular or oblique insertion 0.5 to 1.5 cun.
Regulates qi and blood, activates the channel and
alleviates pain
Harmonises the intestines and Stomach
• Pain and immobility of the arm and shoulder,
windstroke, paralysis of the arm, numbness of the
arm, atrophy disorder, hemiplegia, contraction and
inflexibility of the elbow, lumbar pain with inability
to lie down.
• Abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhoea, periodic
sensation of cold in the intestines, sudden turmoil
• Toothache with swelling of the cheek, deviation of
the mouth, loss of voice, scrofula.

This point should be located with the elbow flexed.
Perpendicular insertion 1 to 1.5 cun, or joined by throughneedling
to Shaohai HE-3.
Clears heat
Cools the blood, eliminates wind, drains damp and
alleviates itching
Regulates qi and blood
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
• High fever that does not recede, injury by cold with
residual fever that does not recede, thirst with
sweating on drinking and dry and hot skin when
does not drink, malaria.
• Throat painful obstruction, loss of voice, toothache,
redness and pain of the eyes, lacrimation, pain in the
front of the ear.
• Agitation and oppression of the chest, manic
disorders, poor memory, tongue thrusting, dizziness,
hypertension, goitre, scrofula.

• Erysipelas (cinnabar toxin), urticaria, wind rash, dry
skin, scaly skin, itching of the skin, shingles, pain and
itching of the whole body as if bitten by insects, clove
sores on the back.
• Distention and pain of the abdomen, vomiting and
diarrhoea, dysenteric disorder, amenorrhoea.
• Numbness of the upper arm, painful obstruction,
wind painful obstruction, hemiplegia, clonic spasm,
contraction, immobility and pain of the elbow and
shoulder, emaciation and weakness of the elbow,
redness and swelling of the arm, atrophy disorder of
the lower limbs, pain and swelling of the ankle.

When the elbow is flexed, this point may be found directly
above the lateral epicondyle of the humerus, just anterior
to the lateral supracondylar ridge.
Perpendicular insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Benefits the elbow joint
• Wind-taxation with somnolence, contraction, numbness
and immobility of the upper arm, pain and
stiffness of the elbow.

i. Locate approximately one handbreadth superior to
Quchi L.I.-11, in the depression between the lateral border
of biceps brachii and the humerus; ii. Locate at one third
of the distance between Quchi L.I.-11 and the axillary fold.
Perpendicular insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Alleviates coughing
Regulates qi, drains damp and transforms phlegm
• Pain, numbness or contraction of the elbow and
upper arm, inability to raise the arm, shoulder pain,
wind-taxation with fear and fright.
• Cough, difficulty in breathing, vomiting blood.
• Scrofula, desire to sleep, diminished qi, inability to
move the four limbs, yellow body with intermittent
low-grade fever, malaria, blurred vision, fullness and
distention below the Heart, fear and fright.

This point is easier to locate if the muscles of the upper
arm are tensed.
Oblique insertion 1 to 1.5 cun.
Activates the channel and alleviates pain
Regulates qi and dissipates phlegm nodules
Benefits the eyes
• Pain, numbness and painful obstruction of the upper
arm and shoulder, wasting and weakness of the upper
arm, inability to raise the arm, contraction and
stiffness of the neck.
• Scrofula, goitre, chest pain.
• Redness swelling and pain of the eyes.

If the arm is abducted, the two hollows will be more easily
palpable and are often visible.
i. With the arm abducted, perpendicular insertion directed
towards the centre of the axilla, 1 to 1.5 cun; ii.
Transverse-oblique insertion directed distally towards
the elbow, 1.5 to 2 cun.
Dispels wind-damp, alleviates pain and benefits the
shoulder joint
Eliminates wind and regulates qi and blood
Regulates qi and dissipates phlegm nodules
• Shoulder pain, weakness of the shoulder, winddamp
of the shoulder, heat sensation in the shoulder,
redness and swelling in the shoulder, inability to
raise the arm to the head, contraction and numbness
of the arm, hemiplegia, wind paralysis, windstroke,
wind atrophy disorder, wind disease, heat in the four
limbs, inability to turn the head, painful obstruction
of the fingers.

• Wind-heat urticaria, injury by cold with heat that
does not dissipate.
• Scrofula, goitre, seminal emission due to taxation,

Perpendicular or oblique insertion 0.5 to 1 cun.
Caution: deep medial insertion carries a risk of causing a
pneumothorax, particularly in thin patients.
Activates the channel, alleviates pain and benefits
the shoulder joint
Regulates qi and blood and dissipates phlegm nodules
• Pain of the shoulder and back, blood stasis in the
shoulder, difficulty in moving or raising the arm,
pain of the upper arm.
• Fright epilepsy, vomiting of copious quantities of
blood, blood stasis in the chest, scrofula, goitre.

i. Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun; ii. Oblique insertion
0.5 to 0.8 cun.
Caution: deeper needling may puncture the carotid artery
or jugular vein.
Benefits the throat and voice
• Sudden loss of voice, throat painful obstruction,
rattling sound in the throat, goitre, scrofula,
difficulty in breathing, difficult ingestion.

i. Palpation of the sternal and clavicular heads is made
easier if the patient turns their head away from the side to
be needled, whilst you apply resistance at the chin; ii. In
females the laryngeal prominence is not as pronounced as
in males. If it is indistinct, palpate the depression formed
by the lower border of the hyoid bone and the upper
border of the thyroid cartilage at the midline. The laryngeal
prominence lies just below this; iii. This point may be
located approximately 3 cun (one handbreadth) lateral to
the laryngeal prominence.
i. Perpendicular insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun; ii. Oblique insertion
0.5 to 0.8 cun.
Caution: deeper needling may puncture the carotid artery
or jugular vein.
Benefits the throat and voice
Alleviates cough and wheezing

Renzhong DU-26 is located above the upper lip on the
midline, at the junction of the upper third and lower two
thirds of the philtrum.
Oblique insertion 0.3 to 0.5 cun. Note: according to some
classical and modern texts, this point is contraindicated to
Eliminates wind and opens the nasal passages
• Nasal congestion and discharge, loss of sense of
smell, nasal sores, nasal polyps, rhinitis with
• Lockjaw, deviation of the mouth, loss of

Transverse insertion medio-superiorly 0.3 to 0.5 cun or
join to Bitong (M-HN-14) at the highest point of the
naso-labial groove. Note: according to some classical
and modern texts, this point is contraindicated to
Opens the nasal passages
Expels wind and clears heat
• Nasal congestion, nasal congestion and discharge,
rhinitis, profuse nasal discharge, loss of sense of
smell, nasal polyps, nasal sores, sneezing,
• Deviation of the mouth, swelling and itching of the
face, pain and swelling of the lip, heat and redness of
the eyes, dyspnoea, round worms in the bile duct.

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