Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Pre-menstrual Breast tenderness

Pre-menstrual Breast tenderness

Liver Qi stagnation

PMS, moody, breasts swell, be painful, or have itchy sensitive nipples

Acupuncture – sedate, foot Jueyin, LR 3, GB 41, PC 6, Ren 17

- nodules- GB 34

- regulate menses (start stop)- SP 6, 8, Ren 4

Liver Qi stagnation with Kidney deficiency

same symptoms as above with kidney deficiency symptoms as well (sore low back, urinary problems, tinnitus, poor memory, sexual dysfunction, fear, etc)

Acupuncture – foot Shaoyin, Jueyin, KI 3, LR 3, SP 6, Ren17

Alternative Treatment Methods

auricular- SP, LR, KI, internal reproductive organs, endocrine, subcortex, adrenal, chest

7 star- T3 to T7 Hua Tou Jia Ji

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