Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Hypochondriac pain

Hypochondriac pain

One or both sides of the torso have pain.

Western medicine – hepatitis, Gallbladder pleura infections, intercostals neuralgia (more common in women)

TCM – controlled by Liver (Qi stagnation, emotions), may also be caused by injury or Blood Stasis, Damp/Heat i.e. jaundice, poor diet, or Liver Yin deficiency.


Liver Qi stagnation, Blood Stasis, Damp/Heat

P/T – soothe Liver Gallbladder to remove stagnation from Jing Luo

Acupuncture – sedate, foot jueyin and shaoyang, LR 14, 3, SJ 6, GB 34 (soothe Liver Gallbladder), ST 36

- nausea – Ren 12

- Blood Stasis – BL 17, SP 6, 21

- Damp/Heat – PC 6, Ren 12, ST 44


Yin deficiency, intermittent dull pain that is worse with activity and fatigue

P/T – nourish Yin, soothe Liver

Acupuncture – tonify and sedate, foot jueyin, Shu, BL 18, 23, LR 14 & 2 (soothe Liver Qi, deficient Heat),

ST 36 & SP 6 (Produce Qi and blood)

- dizziness – Du 20, GB 20

Alternative treatment methods

auricular – LR, GB, shenmen, chest, medium to strong stimulation

injection – Hua Tou Jia Ji with corresponding painful ribs, keep needle just above where sensation occurs and inject vitamin B12 or 10% glucose

electro – add to points chosen, continuous mild frequency, 10-15 minutes

7 star – on ashi points (Blood Stasis) then cup, also try scrapping

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