Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Enuresis


Main points: Ren 3, Du 20

Kidney Yang deficiency

P/T – warm Kidney Yang

Acupuncture – moxa and needle, Shu, Ren, Ren 3, 4, BL 23, 28, SP 6

- sleep too deeply- Du 20, HT 7

- open and activae Ren- moxa LU 7 (Ren confluent)

Spleen Lung Qi deficiency

P/T – Tonify Lung and Spleen

Acupuncture – Ren, hand and foot Taiyin, Ren 3, 6, LU 9, SP 6, ST 36, add Back Shu points, Du 20

Alternative Treatment Methods

auricular- KI, BL, subcortex, brain, occiput, urinary tract, sensitive points

scalp- reproductive regions, foot motosensory regions. Use electrical.

injection- vit B12, B1, Dang Gui, Placenta, into BL 23, 28, Ren 3, 4, ST 36, SP 6

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