Rabu, 20 April 2011

Acupuncture Treatment for Chest pain

Chest Bi

Heart/Lung pain.

Western medicine – coronary heart disease, chronic bronchitis, etc.

TCM - Pathogen in chest Luo causing tight pain that may radiate to the back and be accompanied by dyspnea.

Blood Stasis in Heart

intermittent stabbing fixed pain, worse at night, dark purple sublingual veins,

P- uneven deep or irregular

P/T – promote circulation, remove Blood Stasis

Acupuncture – hand jueyin and shaoyin, Ren 14, BL 15, PC 4 & HT 6 (xi-cleft pain), Ren 17 & BL 17

(Qi and blood) herbal treatment

- Stasis – LU 11, HT 9

Cold stagnation

severe pain, cold weather triggers this pain, cold symptoms/body, dyspnea, T- white slippery, P- wiry tense or deep thin (yang deficiency)

P/T – warm Yang Qi, expel Cold, promote Qi circulation

Acupuncture – sedate, moxa, hand jueyin and shaoyin, Ren, BL 14, 15 (HT PC), PC 6 & HT 5

(Luo stagnation), Ren 4 & 6 (invigorate Yang Qi)

- coldness – moxa BL 12, 13

Heart Qi deficiency

dull pain, shortness of breath, comes and goes, palpitations, fatigue, pale face, T- pale, P- irregular

P/T – nourish Heart Qi

Acupuncture – Ren 17, 14, HT 6 (pain), Ren 6, ST 36 (Yuan and Spleen Qi)

- Yang deficient Cold – Ren 4, 8, Du 4, moxa

Heart Yin deficiency

dull pain that comes and goes, Yin deficiency symptoms, T- red with scanty coat, P- thin rapid

P/T – nourish Heart Yin

Acupuncture – tonify, hand and foot shaoyin, BL 15, 23, KI 3, 6, PC 6, SP 6

Turbid Phlegm stagnation

pain with feeling of pressure from the inside (oppression), difficult to breathe, heavy limbs and body, fullness, sticky mouth, nausea, T- swollen with turbid greasy coat, P- slippery

P/T – invigorate Yang Qi, eliminate Phlegm, remove stagnation

Acupuncture – sedate hand jueyin, foot yangming, Ren 14, 17, PC 4 (xi-cleft), ST 40 & LU 9 (phlegm)

- digestive fullness – ST 36, Ren 12

- Heat with Phlegm – ST 44, LI 4, SP 9

Alternative treatment methods

auricular – HT, SI, sympathetic, subcortex, yuan zhong, LU LR, chest, occiput, blood pressure groove, strong stimulation

electro – between Hua Tou Jia Ji and first Bladder line on the back, puncture 30 degrees oblique

1-1.5 cun deep from T1-T4, PC 6, strong stimulation for 20 minutes with continuous frequency.

Herbal points applications – Dan Shen, San Qi, Ru Xiang, Mo Yao, Bing Pian, mix into powder with cream and apply to Ren 14, 17, BL 14, 15, PC 6 everyday at night

emergency acupressure – PC 6, BL 15, HT 4, 5, start gently then increase pressure over a few minutes until applying very strong stimulation, 5-10 minutes.

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